A perspective on Chogyam Trungpa

As a preview of our work at GiftBiography.com, we provide a "glimpse" into the stories of well-known people such as...

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

My familiarity with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche comes from his books, especially Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior, which I discovered as a teenager. This book taught me that gentleness and precision were the prerequisites for magic, and that the "ordinary" world is sacred. Trungpa turned the world into a magical place for me, and it has remained that way. Now I know the importance of sitting upright and open in meditation, surrendering to everything and opening my chest. Now I know the relationship of courage to gentleness, and the relationship of sacredness to ordinary things.

Trungpa is known for his ability to reach unlikely students with the teachings of Buddhism by making Buddhism understandable to westerners like me. My "glimpse" of Trungpa was initially shaped by my perspective as an aspiring martial artist. Having recently earned my driver's license, I was exploring faraway martial arts schools, and I was attracted to the title of this book because of its reference to "warriorship." Many seventeen year-old boys like to think they are warriors. Trungpa was able to convey the wisdom of peacefulness by appealing to my desire to be a "warrior"... how brilliant! And as I got older, I came to appreciate the depth of wisdom that is available through careful reading and re-reading of his work.

Although I cannot capture the full profundity of Trungpa's teachings, this biographical "glimpse" is inspired by the concepts that most stand out in my mind after having continually re-read Trungpa's work over the course of many years. They include the "genuine heart of sadness," which acknowledges compassionately the way things are for suffering beings, and important concepts such as "Nowness." How should I convey the appreciation I feel for this teacher whose words influenced me at a crucial time in my youth and continue to help me today? Many people try to write impressive words, but few succeed in impressing readers the way Chogyam Trungpa impressed upon me the importance of courage and compassion in meditation practice.

A Biographical Vignette

A "portrait" painted in words...
Here is a gift that comes from the heart.
You can do for Mom or Dad what they would
never do for themselves.

  • A unique gift that celebrates the person receiving it.
  • Professionally written according you your special instructions.
  • Goes well with photo albums and scrapbooks.
  • Kept affordable, because we care! Only $102.20

Why Should I Try a Mini-Bio?
Just as a painter of portraits creates art based on what she or he sees, our professional writers take inspiration from the messages, photos, and any other information you and others want to send us as the basis for a "portrait painted in words." For an example of a Mini-Bio, click here.

Too Many Life-Stories Go Untold...

The person who receives this gift will know that it came from the heart, because we need to get their biographical information from you. By casually exchanging a few email messages and answering some questions, you and your family will make it possible for us to write someone's life story or the story of a marriage, a career, or any other meaningful experience.

Every biography has an underlying truth that is exemplified by the person's life-story. What is the unifying theme expressed by this person's way of life?

  • Tell your mother's story several perspectives, or
  • Tell the story of your parents' marriage...
  • This can be a timeless treasure for your family.
Send your questions or special instructions to:

IMPORTANT: If you need help with any kind of writing project,
For samples of our high-quality writing,

The Gift Biography

Please try a custom-written biography... For your parents, perhaps? It's the perfect gift. More importantly, the process of telling one's story is therapeutic! If you have a story that needs to be told, explore our site, and see if our writing style is right for you.
You might want to preview the service with a $49 trial. In order to create something spectacular, we prefer that you send us three different perspectives on the person whose story we are writing. That way, we can acquire real insight into the person and muster the necessary inspiration. A literary “portrait” such as this tends to engage the attention of a few important people, all of whom will be credited in the finished product, and the recipient of the biography will also receive all that love.
A gourmet meal is good because of all the attention poured into it by the chef. Likewise, my grandmother always gave lots of attention to her cooking. When lots of time and attention are put into a thing, it is infused with energy. This is true of gourmet food, Grandma’s food, artwork, parenting, gardening, and certainly writing. So, we write biographies slowly over a period of time, consulting important people in the life of the subject.
Every biography has a single unifying theme; what would be the theme of your subject’s biography?

Contact: kevin.matteson@gmail.com

A Unique Gift for Mom or Dad...

Examples of the “1,000 Word Bio” ($102.20)

A Perspective on Stanley Davis:
Stanley’s Stepson Expresses Appreciation & Understanding

Stanley Davis of North Brookfield, Massachusetts
A man who has played the role of provider in the lives of many people

The life of a person cannot be summed up in a few pages.  We can have a glimpse, though, from a single perspective.  In this biographical sketch, Matthew Reynolds shares his perspective on Stanley Davis, his stepfather.

Seven years have passed since the day Matthew heard the news that Stanley had proposed to his mother.  As an honest man who has experienced hard work, ranging from the military to entrepreneurship, Stanley is a stepfather of whom any stepson would feel proud.  Matthew had also felt relieved, because his mother needed a source of strength and inspiration at that time. Her own parents had recently passed away, and she had also been going through a messy divorce.  

Matthew’s first impression of Stanley was that he was a man with the sort of wisdom that can make a person both serious and joyful.  Stanley grew up in the years following World War II, and his parents had lived through the Great Depression, so he learned to appreciate honest work and family values.  Stanley found great success in business, but he also found disappointment and misfortune.  The material wealth that comes and goes is not so important, but the struggle to make ends meet through trying times is a forging process that refines the personality.  Stanley impressed Matthew as a person with well-developed wisdom and the ability to generate joy even under difficult circumstances.

Circumstances have indeed been difficult.  In the years since Matthew met Stanley and became his stepson, Stanley has made tremendous sacrifices to take care of three young grandchildren.  When Stanley married Matthew’s mother, he did not know that they would be taking custody of three children who had suffered abuse and neglect.  For five years, Stanley and Matthew’s mother put aside their own needs to help the children heal.  These grandparents even saw their marriage suffer at times because of unavoidable stress associated with raising young children.

When relationships are strained by difficult life circumstances, good intentions and actions are sometimes misunderstood. From Matthew’s perspective it is clear that some of Stanley’s effort goes unnoticed because of the chaotic environment at home.  How can the self-sacrificing hero end up playing the role of the villain?  How can a foster parent, who has depleted his own energy through acts of selfless dedication, be viewed like a “strict” or “stubborn” tyrant?

Sometimes upholding family values seems old fashioned.
Sometimes teaching good behavior seems overbearing.
Sometimes being practical seems like being pushy.
Sometimes having high standards seems like being stubborn.

Sometimes wisdom is left unrecognized.

Sometimes the person who provides for everyone seems like he is overbearing when he actually just knows the importance of discipline and responsibility. Matthew’s perspective on Stanley is like the perspective of a student on a teacher.  Matthew is a good student, and he is able to recognize the virtues of his stepfather even when other people are not able to recognize them.  Stanley obviously is doing what he knows how to do in order to make ends meet and ensure that everyone is provided for… but the difficulty faced by people inside and outside Stanley’s household can become a source of conflict; when life is overwhelming people in the household, all the self-sacrifice in the world is not good enough to please everyone.

Difficult times and hectic days have drained a lot of energy from Stanley and his wife, and it is a shame that their great accomplishments as foster parents can be drowned out sometimes by their stress and nervous tension.  Matthew’s perspective enables him to see the situation as it really is; some people really do understand the need for practicality, for proactive effort, and a man who can teach others by his example – even when they do not understand his reasons.

Stanley is a man who has an entire lifetime of experience behind him, a skilled craftsman who has lived powerfully and honestly.  Before Matthew met Stanley, Stanley had already accomplished much and contributed to the lives of many people.  Now, after seven years as a husband to Matthew’s mother and a guardian of Matthew’s nieces and nephew, “appreciation” is not a strong enough word to express what Matthew feels toward Stanley.  Tremendous respect is sometimes called “reverence,” and tremendous gratitude is sometimes expressed in poetic ways – but Stanley already knows that lots of people feel respect and gratitude toward him.  Instead, Matthew wants to express understanding:

Matthew knows that Stanley is a misunderstood hero.  Events never unfold quite as we intend them, but we find meaning for our struggle when we reflect on the good that it does for others.  Heroes don’t need to be understood; they just need opportunities to give of themselves.  When the work is done, they rest. 

A Biographical Sketch of Mary Arnold:
Powerful Living, No Regrets

Mary Arnold is a retired customer service representative who is enjoying the freedom that comes with life mastery after 72 years.

Mary heard that we were doing a biographical sketch of her, and she responded with sideways humor: “You’re not going to find any dirt on me, and if you do, you can’t prove anything!” she wrote.  She was right; as hard as we tried, we could not find any dirt. Digging into the life of Mary Arnold, we found only good news about great accomplishments and contributions to the people and places she has touched, in central Massachusetts and beyond. 
Mary is notorious for sticking to her personal principles even when other people have tried to compel her to abandon them.  From 1993 to 1997 she worked as a customer service representative for an auto parts company, her boss tried to compel her to lie to a customer about some motor oil.  Mary refused, and her boss threatened to fire her.  Mary told him that he could fire her if that was his decision, but she would not lie to the customer.  She did lose her job because of this incident.

We asked Mary about the incident at the auto parts business, and Mary told us it had a funny conclusion. “They wanted me to teach a new girl how to use my computer and do my job,” she said.  “I turned the power off and told my boss to figure it out himself!”  

From the perspectives of her children, Mary is source of pride and encouragement.  According to Mary’s daughters, her example leaves them no excuse to ever become overwhelmed with life.  “Whenever anyone is having a rough time with work or relationships,” says her daughter Tanya, “Our mom is an example of stability and steadiness.  We all use her as a reference point.” Perhaps that reflects Mary’s personality, or perhaps it reflects the leadership role that she has played for her children.  

From the perspective of Barbra Faucet, Mary’s friend of fourteen years, Mary has an uplifting personality-type – “the kind that makes people feel better after spending time with her.”  One of Mary’s co-workers at the hospice, Anthony, is starting med school, and he knows that as a physician he will be coming back to the hospice to play a leadership role.  He says Mary will continue to be among his most important teachers no matter how far he goes with his education in medicine.    
Mary says she wants to use this mini-biography as an opportunity to remind her family to enjoy the simple things in life, because “life can be dangerous,” and, “it’s just not worth taking chances.”  This is the kind of admonition that comes from a person who has seen much of the good and bad that life has to offer.  “Appreciating the most meaningful things, we don’t have to take chances,” Mary says. “We can just enjoy one another and take it easy.” 


A Perspective on Martin Denesha:
Success Varies According to One’s Values

Until recently, Martin Denesha was a furniture salesman with a large chain of furniture retailers.  Now he has moved on to try his hand at cooking. “My heart was never really in it,” he says about furniture sales. 

Before changing jobs, Martin made one of his most interesting personal accomplishments – the kind of accomplishment that makes life meaningful.  The story took place when Martin was trying to sell a “Lift-Chair” to an elderly lady.

A Lift-Chair is a mechanical chair that helps a person to stand up by raising up and lifting the person onto her feet.  Four months ago, before Martin quit his job, he received a phone call from a prospective customer who needed a ride to the furniture store.  When Martin arrived at her house, she told him that she had a strict budget of seven hundred dollars to spend on a lift chair, which she badly needed. 

Martin knew that his store only sold lift chairs for a thousand dollars or more, but he took her to the store hoping to work out a way to make the sale. Without making enough sales, he would not make very much money, and he could even lose his job.  After being shown around the store, the woman told Martin that the expensive lift chairs were just not within her budget and that she was sorry for wasting his time. 

Martin knew he could not make the sale.  To make matters worse, he knew that a different furniture store a few miles away did offer the “lift” chair within this customer’s budget. Part of Martin’s job was to know what deals were being offered by the competitors, so he was aware that this woman could buy a lift chair with massage, heat, and a lifetime warrantee with her seven hundred dollars. 

While driving this customer home, Martin was thinking about this, and about how he probably would never be a very good salesman.  Resolving himself to the situation, Martin asked the woman if she wanted to visit a store where she might have better luck.  She agreed, and Martin took her to the competition to help her find the perfect chair. 

Martin spent a large part of his work day helping this customer when he could have been helping customers that could generate a commission for him and a profit for the store.  He knew he was breaking various rules by spending so much time with her, but he did it anyway.  Refusing to pressure customers, Martin proved to be less valuable to his employer, and he ultimately lost his job in furniture sales.  He sure did help that lady find her “lift” chair, though!

Martin’s children are proud of their father, and they take example from his strong integrity.  Other salesmen might have made more sales, and they might have even made six-figure salaries, but Martin made something even better. He made an elderly lady happy, he made his family proud, and he made his work meaningful.

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The 12 Month Biography

Many people intend to get their stories written down, but few ever get around to it. Let us create a 30,000 word family treasure to be printed and bound a year from today. That is more than 100 pages of text, and with the additions of photographs and other content the final product will be quite substantial.

The 12 Month Biography costs $199/month, and the finished product is approximately 100 pages (30,000 words or more). If your story requires more pages, we can continue, but it is nice to know that you can have a professionally written, 30,000 word biography finished in a year for only $199/month.

A biography does not have to be hundreds of pages long. For powerful writing, and especially for powerful storytelling, less truly is more. Tell us your story via email, at a leisurely pace, and let us commit it to print. You can preview the service with a $39 trial (500 words).

Click here to read more,

Or send your question to: kevin.matteson@gmail.com

“What is a citation style, anyway?"

“Styles of documentation... When I write my research paper, I know I need to give credit to the sources from which I take information, but why are there so many stupid rules about documentation?”

Because people overcomplicate everything, that’s why. When I was in college, I mostly only needed to use APA, and I hated it. After I graduated, I wanted to be able to write for a living, so I had to learn ALL the documentation styles! As an adult, out of school, I had a different attitude toward it. I had suffered through so many stupid jobs, I really appreciated the chance to type instead of work!

So, I help people with the documentation styles. Every student must expend so much mental and emotional energy in order to accommodate these stupid, trivial particularities of documentation -- while they are supposed to be learning important things! The thing I hate about it, the thing I hate on behalf of the students whom I help, is that totally different parts of your brain need to be activated in order to attend to the pointless details of any given style.

People in psych and business programs often are required to learn APA;

People studying philosophy or theology often need to use either Chicago or Turabian, which are very similar;

People in general college programs, like liberal arts, often are required to use MLA. The details of documentation interrupt the process of learning and stunt creativity.

Documentation, itself, is necessary. For sure. It should be simplified, that’s all. Until it is, though, we are here to help. Sue, Justin, and Sarah all know the different styles, too. Incidentally, we often need to double check everything with a particular school’s documentation guidelines, because the styles even differ from one institution to the next! So, send us your project (along with any submission guidelines from your school), tell us the style that is required, and we’ll help you twist it into shape.

Even if you just have a simple question and don’t need any writing/editing done, run it by us, and we’ll be glad to help.

Kevin Matteson


Chi Kung to Stay Young

Dr. Robert O. Becker’s The Body Electric begins with discussions of miraculous healings that take place when a patient or devotee is in high spirits.  Sometimes, a sick person is touched by a healer whose influence raises his or her spirit.  Other times, Dr. Becker writes, 

"[Spontaneous healings] don’t even require a healer.  The spontaneous healings at Lourdes and other religious shrines require only a vision, a fervent prayer, perhaps a momentary connection with a holy relic, and intense concentration on the diseased organ or limb."

What Dr. Becker is saying is that the sick person must enter an enhanced state of mind somehow, and it is easy to understand how a healer’s laying on of hands often causes that enhancement in the same way as does some contact with a holy relic.  Even a great piece of music or writing can make that feeling happen – that feeling that sometimes feels like an energized chill in the spine.  That must be what “raising the spirit” means.  

Raising the spirit is also one of the important concepts from Chi Kung as taught by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming

I always saw “Raising the Spirit” as a confusing teaching. I never realized that “raising the spirit” is about what I think of as the feeling of inspiration, and I wanted to write this little note in case other people had misconceptions about it, too.  In my practice, I knew how to “firm” the spirit by keeping my mind at Ni Wan (I feel cool air hit the center of my brain when I inhale, and it helps me get my attention fixed in the brain), but I never understood raising the spirit.  This realization that I had today – that raising the spirit is the same as “inspiration” – may dramatically change my practice! 

When Dr. Yang writes about raising the spirit, he seems to be talking about something that I think of as “inspiration.”  I had never realized that was the feeling he was talking about, but now I am pretty sure it’s the one.  “Raising the spirit” can mean so many different things to different people, so it can be confusing!  This phrase is commonly used to mean “making someone who is sad feel better.”  Dr. Becker goes on to write about soldiers in battle who were able to perform incredible feats despite having injuries that should have incapacitated them.

This is what Dr. Yang meant when he explained that it is easy to raise the Shen, but if you raise the Shen by getting all worked up, the mind is scattered.  Soldiers, and other people who are about to fight, deliberately fire up their sympathetic nervous systems by breathing fast and moving around – getting “pumped up.”  But Dr. Yang explains that this leaves the mind “scattered.”  

What is the opposite of “scattered?” The answer is “centered,” of course!  Your mind is all over the place if you get all worked up in order to raise the spirit.  The way to feel fired up without getting all worked up is… inspiration!  What an excellent realization.  I studied Qigong for three years without realizing that “raising the Shen” meant “feeling inspiration.”  So, the next question is this: Now that I understand that the familiar feeling of inspiration is the key to circulating Qi, how can I apply it in my practice? Dr. Yang explains that the Qi and the breathing are supposed to be “mutually Dependant” and that the Shen and the breathing are supposed to be “mutually combined.” More info is available through Dr. Yang's publications at www.YMAA.com       

For our clients who are still young, and for our older clients who can GET YOUNG by using Chi Kung exercises, here is a quick explanation:
Some people are able to maintain their youthful vitality throughout much of life. If you learn about longevity from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can practice the way of collecting energy and storing it in the lower abdomen, the biobattery at your physical center.

***For any kind of writing and editing help, contact:


The Academic Ninja Program

Writing Consultants for Kids?
Strategic Writing Correspondence Lessons Ages 11+

We teach strategic writing, because it is a skill that will help students in every subject and for the rest of their lives.     
Let us pour our attention over your child's essay or some other writing sample.  By discussing the composition with us, s/he can gain deep insight into the art of communication. Please consider investing in a $25 trial:
Academic Ninja Training Session ($25)
  1. The student sends one essay for our review.
  2. We send it back with corrections and a strategic writing lesson based on the essay.
  3. If the student has questions, we answer them.
  4. If the student sends an improved version of the essay, we’ll provide a final round of feedback.
Save 20% by paying for 5 lessons in advance ($20 per lesson)
CLICK HERE to arrange for a your child to send any essay, term paper, or any other creative writing project to an Academic Ninja training instructor for feedback about grammar and style of composition as well as other secrets of excellent writing. We hope use your child's writing projects as opportunities to convey important principles so that s/he becomes a master of language. "We impart the knowledge that leads to real mastery of language." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

Dissertation and Thesis Editing in all Citation Styles

Academic Editing Projects
1,000 words of Editing
We can help you write with perfect English and correct MLA, APA, Chicago, or Harvard documentation. Let us edit and format your research paper, dissertation, or thesis and in compliance with the submission guidelines for your school.  

Free Reference List!
MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, Turabian.

We are fluent in all major citation styles, and all four of us share a passion for helping people achieve their professional and academic goals. We write because it can be meaningful work, but the meaning is drained away if our client is left dissatisfied.

Discounts are available for large projects!

contact email address: kevin.matteson@gmail.com

About Us:
Pain Management Café

Writing Editing Advertising

· Professional Editing for Any Writing Project
· Business Owners, Ask about the “Guerilla Press Release”
· Grad students, we can help with dissertations and thesis papers in all Citation Styles (MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, Turabian, etc.)

Pain Management Cafe is not really a cafe. We do drink coffee, though. Your projects enable us to continue doing what we love—writing, editing, making our own schedules and meeting great people.

All four of us live in the Boston area, and we are available to correspond with you as often as necessary during our completion of your project. We do not try to exaggerate our capabilities or mislead our clients in any way. Ordinary people with specialized skills, Justin, Sarah, Sue and I enjoy the spaciousness and freedom of freelance work. It's from that spaciousness and freedom that inspiration can be summoned for your project.

Sue is self-employed, selling her crafts online and at her shop. Justin works for a day-habilitation facility for developmentally challenged adults. Sarah is a vegetarian who practices Tai Chi Chuan and is studying Chinese Medicine. I (Kevin) make freelance writing my livelihood, even if it leaves me frazzled from time to time.

We use a great system that provides you with three stages of editing for every project, and the flexibility from our collaboration enables us to work efficiently, inexpensively.

Advertising, Ghostwriting, Biography Writing, Web Research, Copywriting, Editing, Brochures & Publications, Articles & Web Content... We write press releases for businesses, resume & cover letters for professionals, and research proposals for grad students.

We are ordinary people with good intentions. Please allow us to work for you—we strive for excellence, so you can think of us with confidence whenever you need something written or edited.

Thank you!
Kevin Matteson
Please send us a message! Let us know how we can modify our service to meet your communication needs!
You can pay with Visa, Discover, MasterCard, American Express, or PayPal.

Thank you for your interest in our writing service. We won't let you down!

contact email address: kevin.matteson@gmail.com


for Your Business

We earn the confidence of our clients by working in a goal-oriented way. Tell us how to help you achieve your goals, and we will invest as much time and attention as necessary to do so.
A cool-headed entrepreneur can settle into a situation and perceive the subtle truth hidden just beneath the surface of ordinary reality. What is that magic that enables some small business-owners to manifest crazy abundance? Goal-oriented action, with careful precision and timing, is the entrepreneur's ritual act of money-making magic.

The most expensive advertising is not the best advertising. Mustering something up from almost nothing is the practical magic of the creative entrepreneur.

Abundant public interest is reserved for those who are able to be abundantly interesting. Expensive advertising is for people who lack creativity. You need publicity, and journalists need interesting stories, so the way to get free advertising via a journalist is to have a professional writer send him/her a well-written press release about your business. An interesting, correctly formatted submission for immediate release makes the journalist’s job easier.

Marketing firms that charge hundreds of dollars for press release services are not worth the money if they cannot help you come up with an angle of appeal. A $450 press release from an expensive firm is useless if the story is not interesting enough for the journalist to publish. An inexpensive press release that captures the immediacy and excitement of your offer is better. But what if nothing particularly exciting is happening with your business right now? The Guerrilla Press Release is one that twists reality just enough to transform the ordinary into the newsworthy. Whatever product or service you offer, The Guerrilla Press Release can make you newsworthy.

The Guerrilla Press Release is priceless! Well, to be perfectly honest, it's $195. More than just a document, it involves unconventional tactics and a creative twist that will make your business newsworthy. The smallest amount of creative action makes a winning press release possible.

Normal thinking is for the consumer; entrepreneurs create reality as they go along. The entrepreneur has to go a little sideways from time to time. Let us twist up a brilliant presentation of your business. It's only $195, and you will be surprised to see how newsworthy you can be.

Professionally Written Biography / Memoirs

You Don't Need to be Famous to Have a Professionally Written Biography

This is like a portrait painted in words. It can portray the story of an individual, a family, or an organization. I have written memoirs for several people, and in the process I developed a taste for the satisfaction of helping people give expression to their life-lessons. I'll take any opportunity to write someone’s biography, because I can't think of any other job that would be so meaningful.

Let us write your story for you. The four of us are passionate about writing and editing, and we have good intentions. We can help you to actualize your idea. These stories, our lives, sometimes unfold into reality faster than we can write them down. In this one, ongoing moment, our lives transpire, and we need to capture the essence of each story as it happens.

If you know someone who has a story that needs to be told, please ask for some samples of our work. Also, allow us to send a questionnaire via email; fill it out to whatever extent you choose, and we will use the information to acquire an understanding of the story that we are to write. As a trial offer, we will write the first 500 words for based on information that you provide.

$49 trial: First 500 words

If you like our work, please let us write the story of your life, the life of someone else, your business or your family.

contact email address: kevin.matteson@gmail.com

Writing & Editing Professionals




Pain Management Café

College Students




contact email address: kevin.matteson@gmail.com

We can help!

Pain Management Café is dedicated to taking the pain out of your writing, advertising or research project, and we also work to alleviate pain globally—part of our proceeds are donated to Amnesty International.

Get involved
by sending us a message about your project!

We can help if you are working on:

· A biography or autobiography

· An advertisement for your business

· An article/manuscript

In order that we might do business in the future,

please bookmark this page!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

-- Dr. Seuss

About Us:

Pain Management Café

Writing Editing Advertising

· Professional Editing for Any Writing Project

· Business Owners, Ask about the “Guerilla Press Release”

· Parents, Ask about “Strategic Writing” Correspondence Lessons for Ages 12+

· Academic Writers, We Can Help with Research Writing in all Citation Styles (MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, Turabian, etc.)

Pain Management Cafe is not really a cafe. We do drink coffee, though. Your projects enable us to continue doing what we love—writing, editing, making our own schedules and meeting great people.

All four of us live in the Boston area, and we are available to correspond with you as often as necessary during our completion of your project. We do not try to exaggerate our capabilities or mislead our clients in any way. Ordinary people with specialized skills, Justin, Sarah, Sue and I enjoy the spaciousness and freedom of freelance work. It's from that spaciousness and freedom that inspiration can be summoned for your project.

Sue is self-employed, selling her crafts online and at her shop. Justin works for a day-habilitation facility for developmentally challenged adults. Sarah is a vegetarian who practices Tai Chi Chuan and is studying Chinese Medicine. I (Kevin) make freelance writing my livelihood, even if it leaves me frazzled from time to time.

We use a great system that provides you with three stages of editing for every project, and the flexibility from our collaboration enables us to work efficiently, inexpensively.

Advertising, Ghostwriting, Biography Writing, Web Research, Copywriting, Editing, Brochures & Publications, Articles & Web Content... We write press releases for businesses, resume & cover letters for professionals, and research proposals for grad students.

We are ordinary people with good intentions. Please allow us to work for you—we strive for excellence, so you can think of us with confidence whenever you need something written or edited.

Thank you!

Kevin Matteson

Please send us a message! Let us know how we can modify our service to meet your communication needs!

You can pay with Visa, Discover, MasterCard, American Express, or PayPal.

Thank you for your interest in our writing service. We won't let you down!

contact email address: kevin.matteson@gmail.com