Doctor My Document Meditation

If you want to practice meditation, you can find the time to do it!

Don’t say you haven't enough time to practice. There is a kind of meditation you can practice while doing things. It’s mindfulness practice. Mindfulness practice is meditation in action. It’s just requires a little multitasking.

Read about it in any book by Thich Nhat Hanh. And another thing to read about is the Japanese tea ceremony, Zen archery, Iaijutsu, Ikebana (flower arranging) and any of the “do” (i.e. “Way) because those kinds of art are based on mindfulness practice. Shiatsu-do, kendo, judo, karate-do, Shodo…and I we are developing our “way” of document doctoring.

Doctor My Document philosophy is influenced by the teachers of this kind of meditation in action. Look at Thich Nhat Hanh’s books about mindfulness, Eckhart Toll’s The Power of Now, and that famous book by Eugene Herrigel, the one about Zen Archery. Do you know the one I’m talking about? Herrigel writes about his meditation training in Japan, which began with the practice of Zen Archery.

Anyway, the point is that meditation can be ongoing. You can meditate while you do things.
It’s a simple matter of multitasking. Do your work, but keep some attention on balanced posture, profound breathing, and electric relaxation that penetrates all tension, down to the bone.

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