The science of persuasion: Being positive

"Being positive" is a theme that has multiple meanings in the practice of persuasion.  In this discussion, it can refer to 1.) sharing energy in a way that makes us uplifting to others, 2.) positively influencing someone's state of mind, 3.) being like a mirror, and 4.) phrasing sentences in positive ways rather than using negations like "no" and "not." If you want to improve your skill, meditate on this concept of being positive.

Being uplifting:
People resist everything that brings their spirits down, so it's usually best to avoid talking to people in a way that makes them feel embarrassed or ashamed.

If you want to shame someone, go ahead and do it, but don't let that voice in your head, monkey-mind, convince you that you are persuading them by shaming them.  We often think shame motivates, but we're wrong. The creature called "person" can be motivated: give it an opportunity to feel good.  Freud explained this truth and he called it the pleasure principle.  People are driven toward what feels good. If you are making someone feel bad, you are probably not going to motivate them.

Being a positive influence on someone's state of mind: 
Sometimes you can talk in a way that makes people feel amazing when they are around you.  You know how to send powerful, positive messages to the subconscious mind.  It is possible to use words that influence the subconscious mind.

And they might feel a subtle trance come over them when they see your stillness, your deep state of mind. Even doing something simple like looking at on a clock in the kitchen, someone might suddenly feel herself being thrown into a subtle trance.  A person in a trance can see many colors, even behind closed eyelids the mind continues to see the colors, and all the information they are receiving sends them deeper into the stillness of the trance. As you read these lines, you can see many colors, and the information you are receiving sends you deeper into the stillness of the moment.  If you have stillness in this moment, you can have stillness in any moment, and you can share it with others.  If you want to see demonstrations of this technique, search Google Video for these words: mindfulness practice

Being like a mirror:
When you speak with someone, validate them subtly by matching your movements to theirs, even matching the timing of your breathing. Make it so that they see movement happening in perfect timing with their movements as they shift side to side or gesture with their arms. They will not consciously notice (unless you are being stupidly obvious about it), but they will feel themselves entering a meditative state of mind.

When you dance with someone, it feels good because all your movements correspond and validate one another.  You make each other feel okay, and you entrance one another.  Well in a subtle way, you can dance with total strangers when you match their movements as described above.  Can you speak to someone standing several feet away but still get a feeling like you are dancing with them? If you can do that, you can be like a mirror and help people into a trance when you talk with them. If you want to see demonstrations of this technique, search Google Video for these words: matching and mirroring

Being positive in sentence structure:
Be positive in another way, too: Phrase sentences in a positive way, because the subconscious mind does not really respond so much to negations, i.e. phrases that include words like "not" and "no". For example, this sentence is bad to say to a kid:

Do not go in the street.

All the subconscious mind hears is "go in the street."  Maybe the kid was not even thinking of going in the street, but now you put the idea in his head.  When you put an idea in someone's head they are going to be influenced by it.  This sentence is better:

You can play here in the yard. 

This sentence brings the kid's attention to the yard, and that is what the parent really wants.  The difference is enormous between these two ways of expressing the same idea.
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Academic Ninja Strategy Guide & Strategic Writing Correspondence Lessons

I wrote the Academic Ninja books because I know some "secrets" about preparing kids to do well in school.  If you buy this book, it's a way to shove your daughter or son over that line that separates the confident kids from the kids who "don't like school" and don't apply themselves.

A short ebook with keys to academic success is like a secret weapon up the student's sleeve.   A secret weapon is a source of confidence, and with confidence it's possible to achieve one's full potential.  Why is confidence so important?
  1. During adolescent identity development, the child needs to be "good at" things and build an identity around the skills and interests s/he feels good about.  
  2. Some students discover that they are "good at" school, and others struggle.
  3. Students who struggle in school feel a need to find other things to be "good at" so they turn their attention elsewhere. 
  4. When a student experiences not being "good at" school, s/he no longer is willing to give 100% effort because it hurts to try hard and fail while others are able to succeed. 
The ninja parenting is like this:
  1. Buy a book like this one and give the student an advantage.  
  2. The advantage leads to confidence. 
  3. The confidence becomes the courage necessary to apply 100% effort in school.
  4. 100% effort applied in school leads to experiences of success.
  5. Experiences of success lead to even more confidence. 

So please buy the book, and then email me to tell me about your strategy for getting them to actually read it.  I hope it equates to a good value, and that depends on whether you can get them excited about the advantage they'll have after reading it.    

Academic Ninja Strategy Guide ($10)
Grades 6-12
Thanks for clicking over to this page and sharing our interest in improving students’ reading, writing, & study skills.  The Academic Ninja Training Program is an online resource with twenty lessons covering the most important concepts and techniques for successful students.

SEE A PREVIEW of the Academic Ninja Strategy Guide

Options for Awesome Parents:

That is what we call ninja-parenting: If you give the student an experience outside of school that quickly and painlessly introduces important concepts, the student will have an advantage and experience success. Improved confidence and self-esteem can change the child's whole life.  The point of the Academic Ninja Program is to equip students with knowledge of advanced concepts and skills so that they can get excited about school instead of intimidated by it.

This program is fun and motivational. Students can click on any topic in the side bar and enjoy a quick, fun lesson. We are currently in the process of adding audio to each page, so students can listen to the lesson while they read for a full sensory experience of the lessons. This fun tutorial can turn your child into an academic ninja.
  • Giving this product to a student sends a powerful message: "Your education is important, so I think about it often and invest in your success." 
  • The ninja may find inspiration & motivation in the fact that you bought this product.
  • Successful students have more confidence and self-esteem.
  • Each lesson is quick, easy, and fun, so the student will actually use this product. 
  • 7 Day Money Back Guarantee: If you don't like it, we'll do a refund for your ten dollars, but you're going to like it. We want you to have a positive experience and tell your friends good things about DoctorMyDocument training programs.  :-)
We are professional ghostwriters, and we have a lot of experience using...
  • Structure and Style in Composition
  • Online Research
  • Memorization Techniques
  • Speed Reading
  • Citations in MLA, APA, etc.
  • Self-Hypnosis and Meditation
These skills can give your student an advantage.  If one of the lessons causes your child to experience success in a class where she otherwise would have experienced frustration, that is very meaningful. 
Rhythmic Writing   *   Ninja Cognition: Speed reading is easy   *   Introduction to Citation Styles: MLA, APA, etc.   *   A Good Way to Think about the Citation Styles   *   Using MLA to Write a Research Paper   *   Read Twice and Lower Your Expectations!   *   Memorization: Make Associations   *   The Paragraph Topic Sentence   *   Communication Artist   *   Say it, explain it, & say it again   *   Too Many Modifiers Spoil the Soup   *   Meditation   *   Responding to a Reading   *   Focus on Your Purpose   *   Silence the Self-Talk    *   How to Write a Thesis Sentence   *   Posture: Hang from a Cord   *   Creative Action as a Student

Options for Awesome Parents:

Strategic Writing Correspondence Lessons
(all ages $25)

Let us pour our attention over your child's essay or short story.  By discussing the composition with us, s/he can gain deep insight into the art of communication. We teach strategic writing, because it is a skill that will help students in every subject and for the rest of their lives. Here is an example of one strategic writing correspondence lesson for an academic ninja.
Three parts of a correspondence lesson:
  1. The student sends one essay for our review. We send it back with corrections and a strategic writing lesson based on the essay.
  2. If the student has questions, we answer them.
  3. The student sends an improved version of the essay, and we provide a final round of feedback.
Save 20% by paying for 5 lessons in advance ($20 per lesson)
  • The student needs to do some extra work in order to get to the next level; we can get them there if they are willing to invest a few minutes to practice after each correspondence.
  • We are professional writers, inspired about the chance to help students find deep insight into the principles of style and structure in English composition.  
  • With a little guidance and encouragement from us, a student can easily master the skills that make school easy. 
  • Writing is our specialization, but we can also help in many other aspects of education.
  • The correspondence lessons will only be meaningful if the student is truly ready to improve her/his academic writing.  
You can arrange for a your child to send an essay, term paper, or any other creative writing project to an Academic Ninja training instructor for feedback about grammar and style of composition as well as other secrets of excellent writing. We hope use your child's writing projects as opportunities to convey important principles so that s/he becomes a master of language.

Options for Awesome Parents:

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Student Writing and Plagiarism - How to Prevent Common Mistakes?

One of the skills that teachers want their students to practice and perfect is Internet research skills. This is, however, increasingly being plagued by plagiarism. Plagiarism is now regarded to be a mammoth problem that tutors in all levels of education, from middle school to college are finding particularly difficult to deal with. Copying materials from journals, books, or Internet sources and representing such as one’s own creation is deceitful. Worth noting is that these deceitful practices are now being embraced by earlier grades as access to the Internet continues to grow. A shocking revelation by the Center for Academic Integrity in 2003 showed that 73 percent and 66 percent of seventh grade and sixth graders, respectively, admitted to regularly using materials not of their own without giving credit. To promote writing originality and to prevent students from submitting materials of other people for academic credit, the following top ten ways can guide educators.

Turnitin is a reliable service that educators can use to encourage originality. This is a plagiarism prevention resource which makes detection whenever over eight words are used in an essay without the identification of the original source. Turnitin is popular in schools, both public and private in all states, considering that more than 30,000 essays and articles are submitted on a typical day for checking. The cost of the service, however, can be substantial which is why there are other alternative ways that educators can consider, like ensuring that the purpose of every project or task provided is clear. The tutor should also invite dialogue from students with regard to methods, resources as well as the types of papers that are suitable for submission.

A third way which educators can ensure that students submit materials of their own is establishing relevance for their students. This can be achieved by confirming the connection between the project and real life through, for example, experiences that go beyond the perspective provided by the text. Another way would be encouraging students to convey their feelings and describe the processes they used in reaching their conclusions. A fifth way would be emphasizing creative behavior and higher-order thinking. Educators should emphasize that instead of reporting just knowledge, the participation of students should entail practice with higher-level thinking abilities.

Further, educators should go beyond the expected scope for problem solving. Many times students use provided questions whereby their teachers are already aware of the answers. Coming up with alternative solutions and developing choices is usually the key to overcoming challenges. A seventh way would be encouraging different types of information gathering. Educators would require that submissions are made of a hard copy of Web information and this goes along with the same information interpreted and summarized in a student’s personal words.
The other way is with regard to assessing the quality of performance. Educators should identify the criteria to be used when assessing the quality of research work submitted. When students know beforehand the criteria by which their submissions will be judged, especially with regard to plagiarism, they can focus on the work without anxiety and reporting plagiarized work at the end. The ninth way would be allowing the students to reflect and improve their final essay.  When students have access to suggestions from classmates, this can greatly help in teaching them more about plagiarism, in addition to accepting constructive criticism. The last, but not least, approach is the use of oral evaluation. This approach allows students to make their opinions known verbally and enables the educator to call for clarification in cases whereby points are not clear and most importantly, eliminates the use of technology media to submit materials of other people.

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About the Perfect Academic Research

To determine whether there is any hope of doing perfect research, one must first be able to accurately define research. According to an article on, in its broadest sense, research can be defined as investigation and writing based upon the idea of scientific inquiry. Scientific inquiry is explained as the assumption that everything is based on cause and reaction, and research attempts to examine and explain this relationship (“The Research Process”). While it might be next to impossible to ever do perfect research, this paper will argue that there is always hope that someday it might be achieved.

First, we must look at why research is done in the first place. Scientists, scholars, and students alike do research with the hopes of explaining phenomena in order to either control the outcome of a particular topic, or to make polices or procedures that will positively affect the research subjects. Next, one must look at the word ‘perfect’. Taken at face value, the word perfect is subjective. What is considered perfect to one researcher might not be considered perfect to another. Finally, one must understand the motivations of the researchers. Most often, the goal is to improve whatever subject it is being studied.

If the researchers are not striving for perfection, this paper argues, then why bother doing it at all? For example, let us examine the issue of the death penalty. There have been numerous debates throughout the years as to whether or not the death penalty deters individuals committing crimes. Many people strongly support the death penalty for a variety of reasons, including the need for retribution or based on moral beliefs. Likewise, many oppose capital punishment for these very same reasons: they are morally opposed to executing people, and do not believe in revenge. Scholars have examined the issue at length over the years, and, like the general public, have differing opinions on whether or not capital punishment deters crime and reduces the crime rate. In one studied published in 2009, the authors examined death penalty eligibility factors for those convicted of child murder. They analyzed data from states that changes their requirements for who would be eligible to receive the ultimate penalty between the years 1985 and 2001. 

Based on their analysis, the authors concluded that had the states not changed their eligibility requirements, that is, making it more difficult to imposed the penalty on a convicted offender, the rate of child homicide would have been as much as 20% lower than it was. Another study, published in 2010, came to a different conclusion. Analyzing state-level data from 1995 -2006, the researcher measured homicide rates per 100,000 population. The basic premise behind this study is that states with high execution rates would have lower homicide rates and vice versa. However, the professional researchers and essay writers were unable to find such a connection. The state with the highest execution rate for example, Texas, did not have a statistically meaningful lower homicide rate than states without the death penalty. Furthermore, the study was unable to find any significant deterrent effect of capital punishment on homicide in other states. So, what is the point of all this academic research, some might ask. If there are two relatively recent studies regarding the same subject, namely the death penalty, and each study comes to a different conclusion, this shows there is no hope in doing perfect research, many would argue. This paper disagrees.

Research is an essential element in explaining phenomena. Although those conducting the research might never be able to do ‘perfect’ research, the hope is always there. Much research is based upon previous studies conducted years ago. It is up to each researcher to strive to come as close to perfect as possible. Perhaps the question should be “There is no hope of obtaining a perfect outcome”? As researchers, we can always perfect our methods and use sound scientific principles. That is the key in doing ‘perfect’ research. The outcome might not be what one expects, and therefore not ‘perfect’, but it is up to the researchers to come as close as possible in achieving that goal.

EssayForum is an online community for students and professional writers is an established online resource that's aimed at students, and is also a great help to freelance writers and writing services. More and more students are choosing to use writing services to help out with essay writing; in today's highly competitive economy it's vital to get the best possible grades, and for many people writing an essay is an intimidating experience. Having a model essay to work from, a piece of high quality work produced by a professional writer, can be a great help.
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The heart of the site is obviously the forums themselves, and these are very well laid out. An easy to use menu lets you jump straight to the section that interests you - there are sub forums for undergraduate, graduate and scholarship essays, covering the full range of academic paper writing. You'll also find sections to assist with literature reviews and much more, including more esoteric subjects like poetry. Whatever you need help with you're pretty much guaranteed to find it.
One great thing about EssayForum is its diversity. As well as general discussions about the best way to write an essay, and specific threads going into detail on a topic, there are areas to discuss grammar and word usage for those who're interested in the technicalities of the language. Because EssayForum is a site aimed at students there's also a lively community sub forum, so as well as being useful EssayForum can be a lot of fun to use as well. Whatever you feel like discussing, it's likely that someone there will be happy to join in. This really is a very impressive site; it has a lot to offer and best of all it's free to join.

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An Example of a Custom Written Cover Letter for Employment with an Essay Writing Service

I have an engineering degree in ICT and an MBA in marketing and finance; a perfect mix of subject matter expertise for the domains in question.  I have more than 4 years of professional experience in strategy, sales & marketing, business development and financial management across industries like education, real estate insurance, finance and media.

My past and current work scope is comprised of diverse fields such as trading, sales and business development, product marketing and operations management. I bring a combination of industry expertise, excellent business and academic research and written communication skills. My background is also comprised of, among other things, extensive financial modeling for pre-launch feasibility analysis, product conceptualization launches, strategy creation for new business development, process improvement to optimize resource utilization etc. Please refer to my resume for more detailed information concerning my professional and academic experience.

A penchant for technology and understanding of its business aspects are ingrained in me. Although I do not have much experience as a professional freelancer, I have authored multiple papers and articles during my academic and professional work. I also have the experience of editing and proofreading over 100 academic papers as part of contact helpline program during my MBA. The resumes were directly sent to the potential recruiters to pitch for campus placements.  
I have graduated from one of the best business schools of my country and I have the financial cushion of a high paying corporate day job. Having said that, I recently decided to look for freelance, telecommute opportunities where I can leverage my professional and academic experience while maintaining a flexible routine. I believe even with not so substantial freelance writing experience, my background puts me in a unique position to be able to provide a desirable end product in terms of quality and turn-around time.

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